Welcome to Dollys Vintage, A celebration of all things nostalgic Since 2010 

 The thrill of finding a vintage treasure hidden in a charity shop quickly developed into a keen hobby; my aim to fill our grade II listed family cottage with an abundance of history whilst meticulously renovating it. These desires, I realise, to have stemmed from a childhood spent in antique shops with my parents, together with an inherited love of the finery of afternoon tea that my nana Dolly passed on to me!  Being a single mum of three, it soon became clear that our little cottage just couldn't hold anymore 'treasures' and I realised that my passion had in fact, led to borderline hoarding. It’s true light bulb moments do happen; I had a feeling others would want ‘vintage’ in their lives too, so…. 

Dolly's was born and I didn't have to part with a thing!

Who knew that 15 years and hundreds of events later, still obsessed with reinventing old treasured items, the collection of carefully curated historical props would still be used for creating precious family celebrations and memorable events. Designed uniquely and reflective of you.

My Darling Nana Dolly

With our recycle and reuse ethos we have built a reputation for infusing contemporary design with vintage and period pieces (some of which my Nana passed down to me). For more about our story contacts page 


Dollys founder and creative director Hayley


BA Hons Arts degree |visual merchandiser | photographer |hospitality management |interior design.

The magic of my role in your event journey is to see the coming together of you and your loved ones in spaces that are designed and elevated for an unforgettable experience.

I am committed to excellent customer service, exceeding expectations and treating every client like a dear and valued friend.