Lawn Games
Vintage Jacques croquet set 40
Vintage child’s croquet 15
Quoits 14
Ring toss coloured hoopla 22
Large board ring toss 35
Wooden skittles 15
wooden connect four 35
Giant dominoes 7
Skipping ropes 6
Corn hole 35
Roll a ball £25
Vintage American ten pin skittles 20
Naughts and crosses 18
Coffee sacks for races in crate x4 22
Tug of war rope in crate 25
Vintage French cricket 15
Space hoppers x2 25
Giant jenga with crate 25
Pretty Floral tin can alley 30
Pretty floral bean bag in a bucket 30
Diablo 4
Juggling sticks 4
Hook a duck 25
Coconut shy 65
vintage badminton set with horse jump net 45
Retro and vintage Board games each 3
Tee Pee 15
Large plastic ten pins (great with hay bales) 15
Kubb 20
Crazy golf pitch 115
Giant bucket Beer ping pong (rustic table, buckets and balls) 35
Wooden signs for each game 4.50
Bunting for perimetre 1.50 per metre
Shepherds crooks to hang the bunting perimetre 3.75
Table top games
Traditional wooden vintage Bagatelle, Bar Skittles, Shove Ha’penny each 16.50
Retro table top board games, everything from twister to chess! 4
Large wooden table Jenga, corn hole, connect four each 12.50
Ordering & Transportation
We feel every event is unique and has different needs, so we offer the flexibility of a few options when ordering and transporting your vintage hire. We are more than happy to help you to keep to a budget, by letting you transport and style your order yourselves.
How to make an order
This can be done via our contact us page, a chat on the phone, or ideally when you visit the showroom. We love to share our expertise and are happy make suggestions to make your soiree complete and will endeavor to give you all the support and tools you need to recreate the look.
1.Choose and order your items individually. then transport, and style yourselves.
2. Choose and order your items then let us deliver and style for you. To keep to your budget, Dollys is happy for you to return the hire yourselves after the celebrations.
3. Choose what you require and let us do all the work for you, by transporting, styling, and clearing away the next day. Additional charges may incur.
Traditional vintage fete games
Out door furniture and accessories
Deckchairs - 9
Patchwork quilts - 15
Checked picnic blankets - 10
Persian rugs £10 - 35
Wrought iron table and two chairs - 25
Wrought iron table and four chairs - 35
Wrought iron arch - 85
Wooden Hexagon Arch - 85
Wooden tall basic plank arch £65
Ladders - 15
Vintage tin water cans - 8
Vintage tin buckets - 6
Vintage tin bath with handles - 8+
Vintage wooden apple crates - 7
Vintage chitling crates - 7
Vintage beer barrels 27
Large checked woolen picnic blankets - 8
Lounge sofa - 50
High back drawing room chairs - 25
Screens for photo displays or to hide unsightly corners 20 - 25
Large vintage cart 150
Seating areas from 125
photobooth 150
LOVE letters £85 why not add flowers and fairy lights!